
Just like other social media and your website, you need Instagram to reflect your strategy.

You need to move people through the sales funnel by offering them content that Inspires, Helps, Proofs and Sell.

What is handy about Instagram is that you have a lot of space for your description.

There is enough space to tell a small story and give context to your photo or video.

On of the best destination marketing Instagram's in the world is the handle of Australia

They give context to the pictures and videos and use handles and Hashtags to cleverly move the traveler further up in the sales funnel. Making the post not only really nice to see but also very helpful. Also not the playful use of smileys and the pin to share the location of the video.

In underneath video i compare the post with New Zealand and Oregon (USA)

When you are a tour operator the above strategy might not completely work, of course branding your destination can also lead to business, but also to business of your competitors. Hashtag used in the text might not be such a good idea there unless you feel people will get back to your post but that is a risk.

In that case its better to use hashtags under your description. The hashtag then looses its direct value to learn more about the post but can be used as a pointer for others to find you.

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